[ DE unten ]
Tasha Walters is an accomplished designer and illustrator.
Her illustration career began in New York when she was hired to illustrate
a monthly column for the award-winning magazine Brandchannel, which she continued for many years. She has since created illustrations for the stage, art exhibitions, private commissions, and privately held companies often weaving her illustrations into her design work.
As designer, she has a wide range of experience in digital and print and has worked for international agencies such as Interbrand and Pixelpark, the entertainment industry, [Blue Man Group, Enja Records] as well as for small to midsize companies, locally and internationally.
a monthly column for the award-winning magazine Brandchannel, which she continued for many years. She has since created illustrations for the stage, art exhibitions, private commissions, and privately held companies often weaving her illustrations into her design work.
As designer, she has a wide range of experience in digital and print and has worked for international agencies such as Interbrand and Pixelpark, the entertainment industry, [Blue Man Group, Enja Records] as well as for small to midsize companies, locally and internationally.
Tasha bounces between Berlin, Brooklyn and Boston, but more often
than not, you'll find her in her studio in her adopted city of Berlin, where
she lives with her husband, children and two cats.
than not, you'll find her in her studio in her adopted city of Berlin, where
she lives with her husband, children and two cats.
Tasha Walters ist eine versierte Designerin und Illustratorin.
Ihre Karriere als Illustratorin begann in New York, als sie für die Illustration einer monatlichen Kolumne für den preisgekrönten Brandchannel engagiert wurde, was sie viele Jahre lang fortführte. Seitdem hat sie Illustrationen für die Bühne, Kunstausstellungen, private Aufträge und Privatunternehmen erstellt und ihre Illustrationen oft in ihre Designarbeiten einfließen lassen.
Als Designerin verfügt sie über umfassende Erfahrung im Digital- und Printbereich und hat für internationale Agenturen wie Interbrand und Pixelpark, die Unterhaltungsindustrie, [Blue Man Group, Enja Records] sowie für kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen im In- und Ausland gearbeitet.
Tasha pendelt zwischen Berlin, Brooklyn und Boston, aber meistens findet man sie in ihrem Studio in ihrer Wahlheimat Berlin, wo sie mit ihrem Mann, ihren Kindern und zwei Katzen lebt.

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